Local emo band The Raging Nathans will soon be changing their name to better reflect who they are as people and the message they are trying to send. I recently ran into womanizing mall-punk golden boy Josh Goldman (also 1/10th of Rad Inc.) as he left his Zumba class. I tried to keep the forced discussion short due to his rotten stench: a mix of falafel festering in three days of self-pity. Through this, I was able to gain some seriously important info.
Though I didn't even want to say hello, Josh went into a drunken 15 minute incoherent ramble about his current state of affairs. Which, let me tell you, is sooo fucking interesting. He began by talking about how he had been listening to Fall Out Boy's Folie A Deux and fell back in love with Pete Wentz's "tell it like it is" style of writing music. He realized that he too needed to be more honest in his songwriting, down to every excruciating detail. As if writing short, shitty songs about any girl that ever gave him one second of her time wasn't enough.
While the term "Raging Nathans" is nothing more than a stupid penis joke, their music is much, much more than that. In fact, many of his lyrics come from deep conversations he overheard while eavesdropping on his sixteen year old sister's phone conversations. He noted that, "it is quite difficult to explain what a Raging Nathan is when talking to my Bubbie and Zadie". We think that the real joke about their name is the fact that Mr. Goldman can’t even get, let alone maintain an erection, which, according to his psychiatrist, either stems from his repressed mommy issues or self-esteem problems. We're guessing both.
Around this time I quit paying attention, although I think that he was saying something about how his band is more "Kasey Kasem" than "120 Minutes" and that Jasper the Colossal have more testosterone and bigger balls than the Raging Nathans could ever hope for. He said they hadn’t chosen a new name, but that we could expect one soon.
The Vishnu Den found bass player and huge fat-ass D. Brown shoveling Domino's Pizza and Mountain Dew into his pie-hole. He had no idea that he was even in the band, although he was aware of and 100% on-board for the name change. I was unable to contact their drummer, Nick Hamby (a slightly heavier version of Strawberry Shortcake’s scientific advisor Plum Puddin').
If you have any interest in being made to feel highly awkward and uncomfortable while getting aurally assaulted by a privileged pretty-boy who cheated his way through a free education, go see them live. These pacifist posers will be performing at Blind Bobs's (big surprise, huh?) this month with the only band in Dayton that has managed to suck for 15 years without going on tour, Legbone.
I am sad that I am not the headline story anymore. I already miss people coming up to me and saying how cool it was that people made a parody about me. I miss them agreeing with me that it was free press, and that it made me even more popular than I already am. :-(
ReplyDeleteAnyways. This dude played my Smiths/Morrissey Tribute at the DDC, way back in January this year. He played with the band, "Gunsucker." The dude asked me where the bass amp was. I was like dude, its right there, and it was behind him, ROTFLMAO.
Reasons like this make me really wonder if I should make people bring their own gear to my Tribute shows. This dude is handsome as all hell let out, but dumb as a box of rocks I suppose. I still think he's cool in my book though.
Cheers! :-)
I'm glad you have become nothing more than a parody of yourself louie, way to embrace originality you fucktard, also stfu, le. Anyways, it's good to see the Vishnu has forgone parody and is starting to embrace true journalism, this couldn't be any more spot on.
ReplyDeleteim sofa king we tall did
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, Louie. You can still mouth rape me whenever you want.
ReplyDeleteI have a sweet Mcdonalds coupon. Buy one big mac get one free.
ReplyDeleteFinaly somebody is tired of hearing his gurl problems.
ReplyDeletewhy don't the gals like him?
ReplyDeletelouie's blog is more popular, and this dude is hotter than him. hmmmm?
Please join the Shiva Den in a moment of silence as we mourn the death of humor. The Vishnu Den shall be indicted on charges of first degree murder tomorrow at noon ... please plan to attend the trial next month.
A stank that has the strength of two stanks...
ReplyDeleteBandwagons! I'm Jumpin on 'em!
how does anyone not know who goldman is? he's in like a million bands! literally. a million. all at once at the exact same time. quite impressive actually. lets see louie do something that impressive. spin that record whitey-tighty! untzs. untzs. untzs. untzs. untzs. wiki-wiki werrrrrr.....
ReplyDeletehow does anyone not know who goldman is? he's in like a million bands! literally. a million. all at once at the exact same time. quite impressive actually. lets see louie do something that impressive. spin that record whitey-tighty! untzs. untzs. untzs. untzs. untzs. wiki-wiki werrrrrr.....
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the people who operate this blog realize that they've commited slander and by making up quotes they could get the shit sued out of them ... of the things you learn when you study media law
ReplyDeleteJohnathon Galliene,
ReplyDeleteMost of what we've posted here on the VD falls under fair use. Maybe you didn't learn about that aspect of media law yet.
What doesn't fall under fair use, is either actually true (which makes it not slander) or has been enjoyed by the subjects of aforementioned ridicule. Louie, by praising us on the VD hotline (which you can listen to if you check the sidebar), can be seen as arguably tacitly approving of our post on him.
Not one subject of the VD has publicly or privately accused us of posting something that is false. And if we ever receive a "cease and desist" notice from a lawyer, we probably will.
Most of the people whom we target "get it." We provide an outlet for (somewhat constructive) criticism (but mosly shit talk) while raising awareness of what's going on in quite a gritty way. And some of the people who comprise our multi-faceted scene are even banding together a bit (in a way we hadn't foreseen).
I will give you props on linking the blog "I Remember Dayton. However, if you're learned in law, you'd know that you can't squeeze blood from a turnip!
bringing a suit would be a ridiculous waste of the court's or anyone's time. A judge would prolly grant s.j. in favor of "vishnu den" or dismiss it some other way.
ReplyDeleteWho ever wrote this has balls. I would never speak against a person with a last name ending with men,stone,bloom, stein.
ReplyDeleteThis is retarded. We don't have to justify or explain ourselves to anybody.
ReplyDeleteplease come to my clash tribute show everybody. its nov 7th at canal street tavern
ReplyDeleteFair Use refers to one's ability to use copywritten material in a limited capacity ... I believe the limit is 10%. Fair Use has nothing to do with the things you are talking about on here.
ReplyDeleteIf anything were going to save you, it would be parody. I believe the case that best represents this would be Hustler Magazine vs. Falwell.
In this case, the jury decided that the activities described could not be seen as true by a reasonable person, and there for were not damaging to Jerry Falwell's charcater or public image.
You may have a valid point that what you do on here is covered under the First Ammendment, however I wouldn't suggest trying to cite Fair Use as the reason why.
Hahahah 10%.
ReplyDeleteOk, if that isn't stupidly arbitrary.
I agree it is quite arbitrary, but so are lots of things The Supreme Court decides.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know where I can get a dimebag? i finally have ten bucks, and I feel like taking a break from smoking everyone elses pot for a change. if you still wanna throw in on it its cool, I promise I wont pinch your bag. i will even smoke with you. should i get a blunt wrap, or do you wanna just smoke out of my car lighter bowl?
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, I almost forgot, well I didnt really. dont forget about the clash tribute show at south park tavern november 7th, 8-1am. :-)
Louie aka DJ MisterKid
God hates Louie.
ReplyDeleteplease someone talk about me. i need some attention tonight. please I beg you. i willdo anything, I mean anything....
ReplyDeleteyeas ,yeas,goldman is handsome now,but when he gets my age,he's gonna look like woody allen.......speaking of marrying your daughter,come see akillis green and the whiskey daredevils at jimmies cornerstone on sept 11!!
ReplyDeletesomeone call dj misterkid to ask him about his upcoming tribute show(s)
ReplyDelete937 253 1654
call day or night.. he is a nite owl and morning bird..
me dumbo
ReplyDeletei need a fat girl with some yummy curves.
Louie aka DJ MisterKid
i used to check the vishnu den every day...now i check it once a week. something awesome needs to happen to hold my attention.
ReplyDeleteoh wait, it's dayton. sorry guys, keep trying your best
do you realize how much money Blind Bob's is losing because of Vishnu Den? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You guys are going to bury yourselves in debt.
ReplyDeleteVishnu Den is putrid and stupid. It's supposed to be funny but it's just plain mean to people. Maybe there should be no bands in Dayton and everyone should just get stoned and play video games and have their parents build them a stage to play video games on.
ReplyDeleteSinclair college is like the harvard of community colleges.
ReplyDeleteI hope goldman finds you and beats you up he I rolls with a gang of go-getters, and them ghouls and them gorillas Who be quick to put the glock or the gauge to the gut of one of your niggas and pull it
ReplyDeletethe only thing goldman is gonna find is some spare change he left in a dark corner at the oregon district porno shop
ReplyDeleteWhy would Goldman go to the Oregon District Shops when McCooks is just down the road?