VD: Louie, a lot of people accuse you of putting on shows based on unoriginal content.
LW: That's bullshit. I keep it real. If you'd done your research you would've read my myspace blog about exactly this kinda shit.
VD: By putting on this tribute show, do you feel you will be exposing local show-goers to something new.
LW: Yes, I do. At the end of the day, mostly what I do is make people realize that I am the most capable of helping the music scene in Dayton. Have you heard what these bands are playing when they're not doing one of my tribute shows? Sad really.
VD: Your tribute shows have been primarily held at the DDC show space. But we've noticed you've been moving away from that. Why?
LW: You know, I've been carrying the dirt space for awhile now. They shunned me and now that I'm shopping for other venues for my tribute shows, they are floundering.
VD: So was Canal Street your first choice, or just the first venue to say yes to this particular show?
LW: Well, I chose Canal Street because, like I said, I keep it real. I'm looking to make this the most hip in Dayton show history. The kind of show where only like four people show up, but over 300 people constantly are claiming to have been at the show. I only wish I had waited to pick the venue until after you guys had started your shittiest venue poll. I really underestimated the negative sentiment surrounding the O.E. and Trolley Stop.
VD: Louie, you really want only four people two show up?
LW: Absolutely. I may stop people at the door. I am hand-drawing the four pre-sale tickets! I realize that a fuck-ton of people will be reading this post and the scene awareness of this show will reach a sort of critical mass. I realize that, and I was initially worried that I'd be risking a lot by doing this interview what with your rapid ascension to most read Dayton scene blog ever. But people in the scene really hate what you guys are doing. I'm confident any show you appear to be promoting can't possibly do well. Also I have been careful to only book bands that are playing out locally way too much anyway. I am counting on people saying to themselves, "I will make it to their next show this Thursday,", "I just caught them at South Park yesterday," or, "Well, I would go, but I heard Zachery Allen Starkey is gonna be there."
ReplyDeletewhat is the point of this, seriously?!
low hanging fruit
ReplyDeletehe should do a tribute show to WHAM! as long as louie wears WHAM! shorts, i'm there.
ReplyDeleteSaint Louis Savior of Dayton music....if only everyone could see the Big Picture like him. "tribute" shows are the only shows worth seeing,because hearing a shitty version of head like a hole is what local music is all about,who wants to hear originals? not me ,sir,not me........
ReplyDeleteOriginal music is for those liberal people who go to canal street, ride bikes all over, and dream of having a prius hybrid to drive
ReplyDeleteShut up guys! You're just jealous that YOU havent been consistently (though unsuccessfully) trying to pull off the Robert Smith look since the late 90's like this master of scenester fashion has been.
ReplyDeletehah this guy surely helps to contribute to dayton's awesome! night life...
ReplyDeletelarry bird inventor of the slam dunk. he was a whitie
ReplyDeletelarry bird invented the slam dunk? hmm, good to know.
ReplyDeleteIt's apparent that you edited out the laundry list of places he's put on the map besides the DDC. This dude's pretty much the Johnny Appleseed of successful venues.
ReplyDeleteYeah, cause I never heard of the ddc before this guy. Who the fuck is he anyways? I thought this blog was about poking fun at known hipsters and not creepy goth versions of Fozzy the Bear. If he wants to keep throwing cover shows and banking on others talent rather than his own then so what, more power to him and his exagerated ego.
ReplyDeleteI love the nostalgic leanings behind all these shows, especially since it goes so well with the spirit of the bands. Can you IMAGINE Morrisey or Robert Smith's reactions (if they gave enough of a shit) to this crap if they knew about it? Talk about scathing.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, he'll throw a Joy Division show. Then Ian Curtis can top himself again from the afterlife out of pure, unabashed happiness at the news!
i hate that guy what a creeper
ReplyDeletehe's a nice guy though. kinda stuck in 1470's glory days, but still a nice guy
ReplyDeletecarried the ddc huh?i can see why you didnt rip into this guy...his own words are enough.what a joke.
ReplyDeleteThis show is at Southpark Tavern, not Canal Street.
ReplyDeleteAnd what an insult to the bands who carry this tard:
"At the end of the day, mostly what I do is make people realize that I am the most capable of helping the music scene in Dayton. Have you heard what these bands are playing when they're not doing one of my tribute shows? Sad really."
Agreed previous Anon.
ReplyDeleteThe interview is fictitious I'm sure. I originally thought it was a bit harsh to my boy Louie. But then I just discovered how two-faced and asshole-ish he is in this DDC forum thread.
Kinda surprised you could characterize this post as harsh, but I will say that ddc forum thread earns Louie a spot as the featured denizen on the front page of the vishnu den wiki.
ReplyDeleteThe DDC forum thread is pretty funny. Mr. Highly evolved scenester calling people a "Pussy" and calling them "EMF".
ReplyDeleteJust demonstrates how lost this worthless piece of human filth is.
He should be quartered at Main and Monument.
Hahaha, shit!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the scoop Andy, the DDC forum shows true comical irony where ever there lurks a Louie post.
DJ Louie isn't bringing anything to Dayton. Rather a shuffling of money people and ideas that already exist within this communnity.
Such pride for such smoke and mirrors.
where does this guy buy his ego sandwiches? after reading the ddc forum i could find nothing more entertaining than gathering an audience to simultaneously laugh at his stupid face for thinking he amounts to anything. the entertainment would be watching him recoil with piss stained pants as he chokes on one of those ego hoagies he's been stuffing his face with. damn, now THAT i would pay cover for, no matter how shitty the venue.
ReplyDeletealso, if i were in any of those bands scheduled to play his tribute show i would SURELY SURELY be removing myself from that line up! otherwise i would only be empowering his shitty ego statements. nobody NEEDS this fool to put shit together. if he werent here doing it, then somebody else would be. the world still turns after we all die. being a participant in his "collaboration" is like bending over and taking it up the ass (with his ego). besides, if i want to go to a rock show, i will go to a rock show. but if somebody told me i was going to a rock show with DJ's partaking in the entertainment lineup, well...i would tell them to choke on a dick and laugh at how sad a comical lineup like that would actually sound like! cant we all just leave DJ's in the dance clubs where they belong? this town needs more dj's like it needs a longer unemployment line. barf barf barf.
ReplyDeleteMy offer for marriage and/or copious amounts of booze drinking still stands.
I seriously hope this subhuman hump tries to fight me. I can only imagine his tactics are pulled straight from the Screech house of hand-to-hand combat.
ReplyDeleteLouie eats some good cooch though I will say that. He waits for my klat to twiddle and stays on it until I come. He then licks my yummy nectar out of the hole.
ReplyDeleteDude needs to buy his own weed
ReplyDelete"Louie eats some good cooch though I will say that"
ReplyDeleteMom, that you?
and i'll do it myself.
ReplyDelete"and i'll do it myself."
ReplyDeleteI bet that's what most girls say to you... Shazam!
that insult above doesn't make much sense. not worth a Shazam at all.
ReplyDeleteI want him to eat my snatch so nad 2nite....
ReplyDeleteI get so mad when they talk about my friends on here that I go on and just write nasty things about others. Then Louie whistles between my legs and I feel much better, refreshed even.
ReplyDeleteHe sucked my bean after the cure show... flicked it after the Misfits one.
ReplyDeleteLouie did the misfits show?????
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever smelled Louie's breath? Holy SHIT!
ReplyDeleteFor someone who goes on about homophobia louie seems to have no reservations about degrading women and making them seem like just sex objects for his pleasure. It's pretty sick if you ask me.
ReplyDeletealso, most of the homo comments are by loiue trying to make himself look hated and pitied, don't buy into it. the guy is all about marketing and none too sly about it either.
ReplyDeleteHey lay off Louis, he's not causing anyone harm. But he should know...I'm the bomb ass promoter!
ReplyDeleteI hope whoever is doing this blog is still in middle school.
ReplyDeleteAnd The Truth Shall Set You Free
ReplyDeleteLong Live Nothing.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a pederast. I'm guessing I'll be getting a post card from the county notifying me of his residence in my neighborhood soon.
ReplyDelete"word UP"??? you sound like a lame dj talking. or somebody who is friends with lame dj's.
ReplyDeletebologna tugboat= louie aka dj misterkid
ReplyDelete66 comments. louie wins.