VD: Louie, a lot of people accuse you of putting on shows based on unoriginal content.
LW: That's bullshit. I keep it real. If you'd done your research you would've read my myspace blog about exactly this kinda shit.
VD: By putting on this tribute show, do you feel you will be exposing local show-goers to something new.
LW: Yes, I do. At the end of the day, mostly what I do is make people realize that I am the most capable of helping the music scene in Dayton. Have you heard what these bands are playing when they're not doing one of my tribute shows? Sad really.
VD: Your tribute shows have been primarily held at the DDC show space. But we've noticed you've been moving away from that. Why?
LW: You know, I've been carrying the dirt space for awhile now. They shunned me and now that I'm shopping for other venues for my tribute shows, they are floundering.
VD: So was Canal Street your first choice, or just the first venue to say yes to this particular show?
LW: Well, I chose Canal Street because, like I said, I keep it real. I'm looking to make this the most hip in Dayton show history. The kind of show where only like four people show up, but over 300 people constantly are claiming to have been at the show. I only wish I had waited to pick the venue until after you guys had started your shittiest venue poll. I really underestimated the negative sentiment surrounding the O.E. and Trolley Stop.
VD: Louie, you really want only four people two show up?
LW: Absolutely. I may stop people at the door. I am hand-drawing the four pre-sale tickets! I realize that a fuck-ton of people will be reading this post and the scene awareness of this show will reach a sort of critical mass. I realize that, and I was initially worried that I'd be risking a lot by doing this interview what with your rapid ascension to most read Dayton scene blog ever. But people in the scene really hate what you guys are doing. I'm confident any show you appear to be promoting can't possibly do well. Also I have been careful to only book bands that are playing out locally way too much anyway. I am counting on people saying to themselves, "I will make it to their next show this Thursday,", "I just caught them at South Park yesterday," or, "Well, I would go, but I heard Zachery Allen Starkey is gonna be there."