Thursday, August 6, 2009

Brandon Hawk crowned King of Dayton hipsters!

The results are in! With 24 of the 61 total votes, the winner of the VD's first poll is Brandon Hawk!

We are still in dire need of some nominees for the upcoming Queen of the Dayton scene poll! Post some names in the comments! Or call (937) 265-4074 to leave an anonymous voicemail. You can even text @vishnuden to 729669.

There's still time to vote for which Dayton band should throw in the towel.

There were 7 votes for "other" that included Darth Vader, Jeremy Price, Andy Roe, kanible, Andy Ingram, Brian Saunders, and "whoever made this blog" all of which received 1 vote. Look for a write-up coming soon on the "kingly-haired" King hipster of Dayton.


  1. Exactly what sorts of powers does Brandon Hawk wield as a result of his exalted status? Can he have a hipster beheaded? Can he declare war on another hipster kingdom?

  2. Lord Belmorn Loyalar the Much-SungAugust 6, 2009 at 8:09 PM

    From my understanding the King of the Hipsters is akin to a Dungeon Master. Brandon now controls all aspects of the game and describes to the other players what they see and hear.

    It also comes with some power boosts:

    +7 Fashion Sense
    +4 Musical Taste
    +1 Irony Factor

  3. It also grants him immunity to the cursed touch of douche-y goth kids, and it adds +4 to his saving throw vs lycanthropes & sludge metalists.

  4. +1 to first anon post.

  5. ed lacy shall make you tremble in your little booties!

  6. the fez,

    i do miss the killjoys actually. a lot of them old school will be at canal street tonight.

  7. i love that you used my comment about kingly hair.

    brandon is like my little bro from another mo'.

    long live king brandon hawk.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. but what does brandon have to say..?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You think Brandon hasn't been posting in the comments anonymously? That's the beauty of this thing--it's scene addicts anonymous. Hopefully everyone continues to spill it so it will work.

  12. anything that gets people talking. that's one of the problems w/dayton, there's not enough criticism in the ol' music "scene" & some people will have to learn the hard way (by getting their feelings hurt)...

    just had an idea, let's call 'em "chipsters" hipsters w/chips on their shoulders!

    #2 "hipster",
    Thee tattoo-less/piercings-free Jay Madewell

  13. Hipster T-shirt with Brandon's face on it FTW.

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