Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fucking Awesome Promoter/DJ Saving Dayton Scene One Tribute Show at a Time

We recently caught up with the self-proclaimed "badass of tribute shows" Louis "DJ MisterKid" Wood Jr. He was anxious to promote his upcoming Clash tribute show at Canal Street South Park Tavern. We were just anxious.

VD: Louie, a lot of people accuse you of putting on shows based on unoriginal content.

LW: That's bullshit. I keep it real. If you'd done your research you would've read my myspace blog about exactly this kinda shit.

VD: By putting on this tribute show, do you feel you will be exposing local show-goers to something new.

LW: Yes, I do. At the end of the day, mostly what I do is make people realize that I am the most capable of helping the music scene in Dayton. Have you heard what these bands are playing when they're not doing one of my tribute shows? Sad really.

VD: Your tribute shows have been primarily held at the DDC show space. But we've noticed you've been moving away from that. Why?

LW: You know, I've been carrying the dirt space for awhile now. They shunned me and now that I'm shopping for other venues for my tribute shows, they are floundering.

VD: So was Canal Street your first choice, or just the first venue to say yes to this particular show?

LW: Well, I chose Canal Street because, like I said, I keep it real. I'm looking to make this the most hip in Dayton show history. The kind of show where only like four people show up, but over 300 people constantly are claiming to have been at the show. I only wish I had waited to pick the venue until after you guys had started your shittiest venue poll. I really underestimated the negative sentiment surrounding the O.E. and Trolley Stop.

VD: Louie, you really want only four people two show up?

LW: Absolutely. I may stop people at the door. I am hand-drawing the four pre-sale tickets! I realize that a fuck-ton of people will be reading this post and the scene awareness of this show will reach a sort of critical mass. I realize that, and I was initially worried that I'd be risking a lot by doing this interview what with your rapid ascension to most read Dayton scene blog ever. But people in the scene really hate what you guys are doing. I'm confident any show you appear to be promoting can't possibly do well. Also I have been careful to only book bands that are playing out locally way too much anyway. I am counting on people saying to themselves, "I will make it to their next show this Thursday,", "I just caught them at South Park yesterday," or, "Well, I would go, but I heard Zachery Allen Starkey is gonna be there."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Turkish Delights Do Anything But

I got tricked into seeing The Turkish Delights play once because I thought there were going to be Camel representatives there, you know, like one of those promotional deals. Upon arriving at the show, I realized that I was thinking about "Turkish Royals" and immediately kicked myself for coming out the house. Since it was too late at that point to turn back, I did not struggle while being dragged into the venue.

I was feeling pretty nervous because I realized that the name of this band was or could be a reference to a CS Lewis book. This made me worry that these guys could be a bunch of emo pseudo-metal , christian-rockers. I could deal with no cigarettes but not a dull Creed cover-band prayer circle. I was beginning to get anxiety. The only thing that I could think about at that point was how an actual Turkish Delight tasted. I mean, have you ever eaten a Turkish Delight? They look good, sure, but they taste like...well, shit. Like a big shit sandwich. Which, in a wrenching twist of irony, is also the name of a Turkish Delight EP.

The show began and the lights were lowered and the 65,000 people that had come to witness the forthcoming, crushing display of mediocrity took their places. As the guy with the acoustic guitar started screeching; as the crescendo of the drums became a vicious blur, and as the bass player really didn't do much that i can remember; I needed a drink. After suffering through the rest of the set, and watching the crowd slowly dissipate song by song, I remember asking myself what kind of narcissist would walk around wearing a hat with his own name printed on it. Maybe he wants to look in the mirror after his band wins the Dayton Band Playoffs, after he finally makes it, so he can bask in his conspicuously bad reflection with it on.

Due to the fact that my suspicions had been all proved true (except for the Turkish Delights being good-looking), I exited the establishment. I promised myself that the next time I needed cigarettes or shitty tasting chocolate, I would just go to the gas station.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Astro Fang Sued By Nintendo Characters' Union

On August 12th, the Nintendo Characters' Union filed a lawsuit against local band Astro Fang for slander and unlawful use of the title of Nintendo's lamest game, Astro Fang Super Machine. The announcement was made during a press conference at the Toad Town Convention Center in the Mushroom Kingdom. During the press conference, Solid Snake, union president, read the following message:

“Since Astro Fang's inception deep within the bowels of Bowser's Castle, in the heart of the Koopa Kingdom, they have done nothing but slander the good reputation of many of our finest Nintendo characters. Not only do they profit off of our names and representations, they make terrible music."

"River, the owner and driver of the original Astrofang Super Machine, a man we still speak of today, has seen his reputation and that of his beautiful Super Machine reduced to little more than the self indulgent music of a group of drunk talentless fucktards. Fucktards, mind you, who have not even offered to pay royalties to River, a man who is on his last life."

Harvey Birdman, the union's lawyer, believes that the union has a strong case. He stated, "Though what they're doing is technically slander, we're moving forward with a libel case because that will greatly reduce my need to prove special damages. I mean come on, my workload is cartoonish as it is."

VD was able to contact band guitarist and dude savant, Brian Saunders, who was incredulous at the news and had this to say. "You'd think that they [Nintendo] would go after Yakuza Heart Attack way before us," with bandmate Christian adding,"I mean they are literally stealing their sound!"

In a written affidavit, Mario stated “It’sa me, Mario!" adding, "I heard the song 'Tanooki Suit' on Astro Fang's MySpace page. They take a beautiful suit of awesome power, made by the Mushroom Kingdom's most amazing tailor, and they turn it into nothing but worthless koopa junk. It hurt my heart to hear such a beautiful thing represented in such a terrible way. Astro Fang should be banished to the Dry, Dry Desert”.

In related news, local band 8-bit Revival has secured their own legal representation in anticipation of potential litigation.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who is Queen of the Dayton scene?

Just in time for the run-up to Ladyfest, the VD is pleased to bring you its newest poll: Who is Queen of the Dayton scene. While we were disappointed with the slow trickle of nominees, we think you will find someone vote-worthy on the list we have assembled.

Jenny Mac - Everyone knows her and why she's up here.
Noelle - Matron saint of State School and perhaps the most perceptive VD reader.
Sarah Stephens - This socialite of scene royalty just keeps on trucking. Anywhere you see her you can be sure her jester sidekick isn't far behind.
Ganelle - A punk princess that's capable of making you piss your pants. We mean this in a bad way.
Katie Anible - Not sure why her name was submitted, unless the unconfirmed reports that she's a cannibal are true.
Shae - High Lordess of inebriation, she will make you question your masculinity, even as you maintain a constant erection, when she drinks you under the table.
Mary Kathryn - No scene Queen poll would be complete without the ever-promoting cocktail Countess, Mary Kathryn.
Heather Redman - VD knows little of this Duchess of disc jockeys except that she knows more about the scene's history and aristocracy than all four of our writers.

So, there they are. Are we missing some key nominees? Sure. But that's why you can vote for other. Take a moment to indicate which lady is the reason the scene boys still get out of bed. Or for some why they stay in bed. Ha!

M.O.T.A, Sunstorm Call it Quits; Harlots Trudge On

At what may be one of the best shows in Dayton this week, two local bands will be saying goodbye forever. Another band, however, will give testament to their own perseverance and dedication. While much weaker Dayton bands Mouth of the Architect and By Way of Sunstorm are giving up music altogether, Harlots will stay committed to their un-unique brand of derivative prog metal.

"All these other bands are sort of giving up, you know?" singer Christian Fillippo told VD. "But Harlots, man we just want to keep on playing." The band will be doing just that this Saturday at Blind Bob's in the Oregon District. Fillippo says fans will surely get a taste of the band's upcoming material at the show. "We are about to go into the studio to record a new record. We're hoping that'll be what finally gets us signed to Relapse Records, which is what we've wanted this whole time."

As for the lesser bands, [former -e.d.] M.O.T.A. bassist Kevin Shindle told VD, "It's all about the influences. Harlots have been ripping off Neurosis for years now. By Way of Sunstorm and us, we do too, but Harlots also copy Dillinger Escape Plan, which will make them even more appealing to Relapse. We figured we might as well just say 'Fuck it.'"

By Way of Sunstorm frontman and reigning king of Dayton hipsters Brandon Hawk had this to say: "Harlots just have something in them that M.O.T.A and Sunstorm will never have: grind parts. Otherwise all three of our bands would sound exactly the same. In Sunstorm's case, our drummer can't play blast beats, so we just can't compete."

"We know that there are bands that sound identical to ours all over the country," said Fillippo, "and that's just one more reason to keep playing."

Hometown stinksters Hooker Spit Windex will also be playing the show, along with Footbinder, a band so pretentious and antisocial they don't even have lyrics.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nick "Nightbeast" Testa urged to throw in towel by VD readers

With 27% of the 85 votes, Nightbeast has secured his position as the Dayton music act that needs to hang up its spurs. Having entertained dozens of Americans solely on the weight of a song pertaining to ursine bestiality and an expensive and unsuccessful ad campaign on the now defunct music channel Fuse, you readers have decided that you've had it up to here. It remains to be seen if the damage done by Nightbeast to Dayton's musical reputation will be reversible.

Voted in as other: mascot (2 votes), The Great American Beast, Rad Company, Sitandance, Astro Fang, The Turkish Delights, and Human Reunion.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Polyamorous Pistol Whips to Appear on Hedonistic ABC Show "Wife Swap"

Thee Pistol Whips, not to be confused with The Pistol Whips, have recently signed a contract with the ABC network to appear on an episode of the popular show "Wife Swap". Unfortunately for Thee Pistol Whips, due to the graphic content of the episode, it will never air.

Ambiguous pleasure-seeker and guitar player extraordinaire, GT aka Lightning Greg, was initially excited about the opportunity to covet another man's wife until he realized that no sex would be involved. He also didn't realize that the contract stated that while only Lightning Greg was to be involved in the Wife Swap, the rest of Thee Pistol Whips were obligated to do Production Assistant work, this time only figuratively fucking the other members of his band.

"Lightning Greg" recorded his audition tape with "The Tigress", over a home-video poolside orgy shot deep in East Dayton, and sent it in to ABC. At the end of the tape, the Drummer, also named Greg, appropriately also known as Mr. Heavy, can be seen beating off sorrowfully in the corner. Executives were enamored by Lightning Greg's enthusiasm to swap wives and The Tigress' organ playing abilities. They were not however, impressed by Mr. Heavy's pitiful display of melancholy masturbation. Producers for the show thought that Lightning Greg would make a perfect candidate when they realized that their prepubescent daughters could grow thicker mustaches than he could.

Lightning Greg was contacted by ABC and after a lengthy explanation of the reason for using the word "Thee" instead of "the" at the beginning of the band name, Lightning Greg was scolded for pluralizing the word "whips" and using the word "thee" incorrectly to describe a singular person or thing, especially since there is no vowel sound after it. Finally, an offer was made and a deal was reached.

Not all members of the band were as enthusiastic as Lightning Greg was about doing the show. They agreed to do it because "GT was running out of people to have sex with and we didn't want him getting drunk and hitting on his sister" said bass-player Rattle Snake Shake. The instrument-wielding debauchees were unwavering and sorely aggravated when they found out they would be serving coffee and cleaning up after Lightning Greg and his new wife's mess. Fortunately for them, it didn't take long for the poor woman who was assigned to Lightning Greg to run out in disgust after having to adhere to his unchaste lifestyle rules. It was only a few hours before Lightning Greg apparently tried to swap his new wife for somebody else's.

You can catch Thee Pistol Whips performing at Lady Fest where they will be trying to raise funds to reopen the Dayton Swim Club.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

POLL: Who is King of the Self-Righteous Artfag Whiners?

The Dayton Dirt Collective, a small, crappy venue located at 144 E. 3rd St in downtown Dayton, has been throwing boring shows that nobody goes to for over a year now. With the summer show season winding down, we at the VD thought it would be the perfect time to pay tribute to some of the members who spend so much time in this wet dog-smelling shithole. So we bring you a new poll: Who is King of the Self-Righteous Artfag Whiners? We would like to thank the thoughtful reader from whom we stole the idea! And the nominees are:
Aaron Smith - artfag to the max! Aaron was the bass player of seminal Dayton "post-rock" noise act Romance of Young Tigers, a band whose lack of talent could only be surpassed by the dumbness of their name.
"Punk Rock" Nick Anderson - A whiny crybaby who hasn't taken a shower since Headbanger's Ball went off the air, prNick is the founder and treasurer of the DDC. Perhaps the most self-righteous member, prNick can often be found moping around the dirtspace sweeping up cigarette butts, presumably to smoke later in the gutter with the other members of Rad Company.
Jim Tarjeft - Drunken fool Jim is the facility coordinator of the DDC. Though we couldn't figure out what that title actually means, our guess is that it's just a ploy to make him sound impressive to women. Sorry Jim! Never gonna happen!
Jeremy Price - Price has been spotted taking money at the door during many events. Because of this, we at the VD think of him as the "ambassador" of the Collective. With his puffy brown hair, and his dreamy dark complexion, we just really really wanna fuck him.
Ravi Star - Pledge frontman Ravi brings a straight edge presence to the DDC. That's right, just in case the lack of seating, air conditioning, or booze wasn't enough to keep you from coming to shows at the DDC, they made sure to throw some violent, karate-kicking neanderthals into the mix.

Please, take a moment to vote for your choice of King of the Self-Righteous Artfag Whiners. These men have given so much to make E. 3rd Street just that much more disgusting.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Brandon Hawk crowned King of Dayton hipsters!

The results are in! With 24 of the 61 total votes, the winner of the VD's first poll is Brandon Hawk!

We are still in dire need of some nominees for the upcoming Queen of the Dayton scene poll! Post some names in the comments! Or call (937) 265-4074 to leave an anonymous voicemail. You can even text @vishnuden to 729669.

There's still time to vote for which Dayton band should throw in the towel.

There were 7 votes for "other" that included Darth Vader, Jeremy Price, Andy Roe, kanible, Andy Ingram, Brian Saunders, and "whoever made this blog" all of which received 1 vote. Look for a write-up coming soon on the "kingly-haired" King hipster of Dayton.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

State School Host $100 a Plate Brunch in Super-Cool Hipster Loft

I would really like to say that I went to see the sweet State School Bruncheon on Sunday at an apartment in the Cannery. But I can't say that, because I didn't go. You see, I wasn't invited. Apparently I am not cool enough. Thanks a lot, State School!

I can only imagine the fancy brunch meats and cheese trays. I bet there were vegetarian and vegan options as well as a plethora of succulent lunch meats, waiting to be gobbled up. Plates of carrots and broccoli, soy milk and tofu! Oh, how I can almost taste it! Sweet honey hams and sugar plums. Mountains upon mountains of mashed potatoes and gravy. Tendrils of green beans for as far as the eye can see. What a lunch would be concocted for the masses of State School fans! The aroma from pots of the finest espressoes east of Pacchia would fill the air whilst the sweet sound of kazoos and hand-claps buzz buzz buzz in my ear.

I bet that only the coolest cats were there. The elite few, the privileged ones worthy enough to have been told the access code to enter the building and break bread with the band. Girls wearing colorful dresses sporting septum rings would sip chai tea and whisper in awe of the beautifully sculpted crab cakes. Brandon Hawk and Joe Anderl's 1984 NFL Draft would talk quietly in the corner, praising the bran muffins, waiting for a chance to escape so they could split an American Spirit cigarette. I bet the ever-questionable Jeremy Price was there, snacking along side of that old guy with the glasses and Grey hair who rides a scooter.

Ok, so I may not be the coolest guy in the world but I can tell you this for sure: I know food. And even though State School reminds me of being five years old, I doubt their performance would have been as good as the brunch.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gassett Disemboweled by Mouth of the Architect

Public will not have to stomach third benefit show.

Noted local John Gassett was exenterated yesterday around 4PM on the 400 block of E. Fifth Street in a gruesome attack by members of the sludge band Mouth of the Architect. According to witnesses, Gassett came into the 5th Street Deli to ask employee and M.O.T.A. keyboard player Jason Watkins if he could hang a flyer for his most recent benefit show. Watkins did not initially have a problem with the request. Until, that is, he noticed his own band's name on the flyer.

Promotional sticker for ill-fated event.

"Apparantly, no member of Mouth of the Architect had been asked if the band would play the show," stated police officer Jack Arnold at a press conference. "This set Watkins and drummer Dave Mann, who had been standing at the counter drinking coffee, into a blinding rage."

"Mann then threw his scalding hot coffee into Gassett's face," said the officer. "Meanwhile, Watkins jumped over the counter and just starting pounding on him. Horrified onlookers continued eating their sandwiches. Watkins reportedly asked the victim what cause the proceeds of the show would benefit, to which Gassett responded, 'I need money for more weed.'"

While Watkins continued to pummel Gassett, witnesses tell us that Mann broke a wine bottle over a nearby tabletop and drove the jagged weapon into the victim's stomach. The vicious Mann then scooped out much of Gassett's digestive tract, which Watkins is reported to have eaten. Authorities arrived minutes later, apprehending the suspects.

While the other members of Mouth of the Architect declined to comment, 5th Street Deli owner Robert Strong assured customers that there will be "a little bit of John Gassett" in the falafel for months to come.

Which Dayton band should throw in the towel?

Voting has begun on which Dayton band needs to call it quits. Luxury Pushers, Once-Ler, Nightbeast, The Sics, The Story Changes, and Legbone were the nominees submitted to the VD. Voting will be open for one week for what I'm sure will be quite a contentious poll. Post a band name in this thread's comments and they will be added to the poll choices. Names entered within the poll's other choice become visible after it closes.

Nominees are now being accepted for the upcoming poll: Who is Queen of the Dayton scene? Nominees must be female and residents of the Fem- I mean the Gem City.

There's also still time to vote on King of the Dayton hipster through this Thursday afternoon.