Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who is the #1 Dayton hipster?

VD is excited to announce that voting has begun for who is the King hipster in town. Voting will close on August 6 at 4:20pm. The poll is in the sidebar on the left. New nominees may be added by Anonymous, Roscoe, or myself as we see fit (you can go back and change your vote until the poll closes).

You should also begin submitting your nominees now for next week's poll: Which Dayton band should throw in the fucking towel? Post a comment, or call the vishnu den @ 937.265.4074 and leave a message. Keep it lively folks.


  1. you should definitely put the luxury pushers on there as a band that needs to throw in the fucking towel. please, god, put them on there.

  2. brandon hawk has been leading the pot smoke-filled leagues of tight trousers for a while now

  3. #1 band that should throw in the towel......Once-Ler.

  4. Throw in the towel, The Story Changes!

  5. Brandon Hawk has "kingly" hair.

  6. Noah isn't number one hipster material, but I'd probably vote for him for king of awesome.

  7. what about up and coming hipsters like bryan saunders and josher? i wouldn't say kyle melton is a hipster.

  8. take a shower i can smell you through my browser.

  9. The number one hipster in Dayton is the mannequin in Feathers Boutique, not only does it look cool in skinny jeans (I say “it” because the best hipsters are androgynous). It also has more personality than Blind Bob's on open mic night.

  10. The mannaquin sure does have the staying power to defeat Brandon Hawk!

  11. the bitterness...
    you guys know, words online take effort...
    that you have something to say means that you already lost, in the real world...

    get laid, though I'm sure you all are already desperately trying...

  12. Oh my, If you only knew anything about us!

  13. it hurts when i pee.

  14. me too,
    thanks fez
